NICE - view from our bedroom window towards Ann Arbor's Burton Memorial (or Bell) Tower on the evening of April 28th, 2007
The first post containing the flashy output of me using 21st century technology (for the very first time regarding any type of 21st century technology, I may add) was on April 30th, about a day's playing around with my camera and the birds at Ann Arbor's "the Arb" (which happened on the 29th, in case anyone took a deeper interest in the dates I am delivering).

Here (again) the first bird picture ever taken with the lovely camera of mine, one year ago tomorrow, this time very slightly photo-shopped as the times they are a-changin'
It was a great day for me and the camera as well, as the camera soon started to enjoy our little birding days out, especially to Crane Creek in May, and we have developed a deep and ever growing friendship since.
The only regrets I have regarding the camera is that I didn't manage to obtain it 4 silly, short, fricking days earlier!
Congrats to you and your camera. May you spend a lovely day together frolicking through the woods!
Congrats! Keep the great photos coming!
I have had my Rebel XTI for more than a year and a half, and I loved every minute of it.
As technology changes, I have purchased, just last week, a Canon 40D. Both cameras, with a Canon 100-400mm L IS lense attached, will have many years of service.
And, like you said to me, your pictures have come a long way since the early days of your blogging. Now you just need to figure out how to get a 40D...
Congrats on your camea.-Some day I'll get a real camera too.Do you take your camera out to dinner on your cameraversary?
Congrats and didn't know you had this DSLR! Explains the amazing photos that you are capturing! Bravo and can't wait to see the other pictures you capture!
Hi Patrick. I am a father (a word of fair warning ;-). I've been frolicking through diapers on my cameraversary, but thanks very much! We (my camera and I) will be celebrating later, sometime, when young LBJ is 18 perhaps :))
Hi John! Thanks very much, highly appreciated to hear that from you! My next step will probably be to upgrade my lens. The camera is phantastic, but I have yet to find out how to change the individual settings so that I get the same quality pics as with the "point and shoot" mode. Up to now, my "individual" pics tend to be darker and duller than with the automatic settings.
Thank you Corey. A 40D? Well, eventually. My strategy - with limited fundings - was to get a decent camera with an inexpensive lens. Then, in sort of a zigzag mode, upgrade the lens, then upgrade the camera, then upgrade the lens again,... That's why I got myself a Canon. For the money the Dig Rebel cost me, I could probably have gotten another camera with a few more fancy features, but once you get towards the high end of things, it seems nothing beats Canon.
Larry, I wonder what my wife would say!? :)))
Thanks Mon@rch! The camera is a very nice toy, especially the 10 Mpixel which allow for a healthy amount of cropping (good enough for blogging purposes anyway). I do have a ton or more of other pics, many still from my time in the US, but so little time to blog with/about them, it is a shame!
Congrats for the first year! I believe there will be many more to come ;)
Love the cardinal!
BIRDING, at Practically at Home
Hi Mel!
Thanks, it's been quite a riot and I do hope that there will be a few more years - until I get myself a lovely Canon 40D!
Cardinals are wonderful, so any picture of a cardinal will be lovable. Thank you very much for the compliment!
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