Tuesday 12 January 2010

Southern Germany Today

You know, I wonder if Copenhagen was such a failure simply because of lousy seasonal timing.

Somewhere down there is my foot, and it doesn't like it that way


Patrick B. said...

Looks lovely!

Jochen said...

Patrick, in this part of Germany it is far more unusual to have an entire day of snow in winter than to have no snow at all during the entire winter. Usually it will snow twice or three times each winter during the night and it'll all be gone around noon.
Not so this year, and the year before.
A bad year for fighting global warming, very bad indeed.

Clare said...

So that's what snow looks like. Cool.

Laurent said...

That's good, because you won't miss Michigan too much!!!!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I am glad it is not my foot. Time you headed over here for some sunshine. I am sure the family would appreciate it too. :)

Jochen said...

@Clare: Ha! Yes, that's actually what snow looks like. Snow is made up of frozen water and particularly the frozen part of it can hurt your toes almost as much as driving your snowmobile in a storm without propper gloves will hurt your fingers. Cheers!!

@Laurent: it's bad because we currently get the Michigan winter weather but not the Michigan winter birds. If there were Snowy Owls sticking around in fields right next to a backery down here I wouldn't mind it as much as I do without the Snowy Owls.
Sigh. Sweet memories.

@Joan: Oh dear, yes, you are right. some sweet South African sunshine wouldn't hurt... By the way, when I first got to the Fish River Canyon in (I think) October 1997 there was an Antarctic cold front moving in from the south and we actually had a few hours of SLEET and I was really, really cold in my shorts and t-shirt. Quite incredible, really, when you consider that the temps were up to 47°C just 6 weeks later.

Hilke Breder said...

Looks like the fields and snow in my neighborhood, but we are used to it. One consolation: the days ARE getting longer

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

The weather there can have drastic changes. I myself have slept over there and froze my butt off then the next day it is so hot, you dont even want to wear clothes. :) The area is so flat as you know that is is easily influenced by the tiniest breeze.

It is a beautiful part of the country though and worth seeing.

Jochen said...

@Hilke: and additionally, you know that when your feet are getting cold, your eyes are getting Harlequin ducks, unlike here.
And yes, I also feel it every day. December was dreadful as I spent it on the wonderful German Baltic coast, but that was as far north as the southern coast of Hudson Bay, so the days were REALLY short.

@Joan: I still think it is one of the loveliest places on earth, but one needs to spend quite some time there to notice this as it is a very harsh landscape. And yes, the flatness really brings in the strange weather. Just to stand in an African desert, look up to the clouds and say "Oh, an Antarctic (!) cold front is moving is" is quite an experience... Cheers :-)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

No matter how dry or tropical, to me there is no place like Africa and no matter where I have been, there are no sunrise or sunsets to compare with here except maybe Arizona.

Jochen said...


That simple: true.