Wednesday, 10 November 2010


That's me, right here.


Anonymous said...

your spammers seems to be from a different continent now....


Jochen said...

You're right, Laurent (I have no deleted all the spam comments). I wonder of country listing would be fun with spam comments, you know, like trying to get spam from all the continents, or all countries within a continent, etc.


Anonymous said...

Hi, i just want to say hello to the community

corey said...

I can't help but notice that since you have been blogging at 10,000 Birds you have stopped blogging here.


Also, what happened to the pirate adventure? I was looking forward to disemboweling somebody!

Jochen said...

Corey, did you copy and paste that from your comment on Carrie's blog? Or Patrick's? Or...

I know, shame on us all. I guess we ended up like deer in the headlights, with this quick rise to international fame, and our roots and heritage got run over.

The pirate adventure? Well, I am watching, watching and waiting how things will develop to see how the story will end.