Both dreaded and longed for, the move back across the Atlantic is imminent. The plane for Germany leaves tomorrow, on Saturday, and I'll be a North American Blogger no more:
I'll move from Ann Arbor back to the Baltic coast of Germany.
Looking back, it's been a great year. Lots of birds. Well, not too many with around 240 species recorded, but then I wasn't chasing them anyway and as so often in life, it is the Quality that matters.
What were the highlights?
Gosh, that's difficult.
Surely the (roughly) 20 lifers I found, but as it is not all about a long list, and going through my blog entries, I'd say the following birding adventures will stick with me for a long time:
Writing my first ever real post on Bell Tower Birding.
Winter birding at the Arb.
Getting prepared for and participating in my first ever CBC.
Gulling through Washtenaw County with Bruce a few times.
My research on Edgar Allen Poe's connection to birding during those long winter nights.
Meeting Laurent and watching a Snowy Owl in a way I am not likely to ever see one again.
A winter trip with my wife to Point Pelee.
Seeing a Barred Owl.
The first warbler of spring with - later - a very unexpected surprise.
Trying so hard and finally succeeding in seeing an Eastern Screech Owl.
Hosting I and the Bird #47.
Finally getting a decent camera again and entering the visual part of the digital age.
The great trips to Crane Creek in May with Bruce and others and the strange birds we saw.
Birding the grasslands of Washtenaw County with Laurent.
My trip to St. Louis about which I wrote here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
Getting a taste of fall migration.
And last but not least chasing after great shorebirds at Michigan's Point Mouillee in July and August, something I never found the time to blog about, and man, these were great trips...
Wow, it really has been quite a ride, I say!!
What will I miss once I am back in Germany? Hmmm, let me think, probably these guy here...

I will also greatly miss the amazing birdwatchers I met here and was lucky to spend a few days birding with, especially Bruce and Laurent.
Thanks a million for everything, it has been a great pleasure. Happy trails and I'll be seeing you again!
But what about my blog?
Well, darn, I am sorry to disappoint, but even back in Germany, I'll just keep on blogging!
Things will very much remain the same here at Bell Tower Birding, it's just going to be another bell tower and different birds I'll be writing about.
Of course the frequency of blog post might slow down for the next few weeks until we have settled down again in Stralsund/Germany, found a new apartment, arranged Internet access etc.
But I'll be around.
And don't worry, as soon as I am back, I'll make my reappearance known to you by flooding your own blog with comments.
Therefore, no need for a good bye here, just a see you later!
And I sure can't wait.
What a nice set of pictures to leave us as your parting gift.
Have a safe trip, an easy time settling in, and a quick return to blogging.
See you soon!
Wow, sounds like a very fun trip for sure! Talk to you soon and can't wait to see what you come up with!!
Safe travels and I look forward to the European blogging.
Safe trip home and get all those rare German birds pinned down, okay?
Have a safe trip.-I'll be looking forward to reading about the birds of Germany.-Perhaps it will entice me to travel a bit.
Take care! Look forward to seeing you on the flip side.
I can't wait to see the first post about German birds!
Hi Jochen. Give us some news!!!!
Ooh, I was so excited when we finally attracted red-headed woodpeckers to our yard! I think I would miss them, too, if I were leaving the country.
Have a safe trip.
Viel Glueck und schoene Reise!
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